

1. When should I seek personal counseling services?

There are many situations that cause emotional stress that may interfere with your ability to perform at your best while you are studying here at ISU. These may include a death in the family, 关系困难, 酗酒或吸毒, 身体疾病, 性取向问题, 抑郁症, 焦虑, 家庭困难, 研究问题, eating concerns or other challenges. 简而言之, anything that gets in the way of you getting the most out of your experience at ISU or your life in general may be explored in counseling.

How do I know if I need counseling section?

2. Sometimes you need to talk with someone who can help. How can you tell if it's time to ask for help?

  • When you feel like you are too alone
  • When you feel trapped, and can't get out
  • When you worry all the time, and never seem to find answers.
  • When you are in a relationship that is stressing you out but you can't leave it.
  • When the way you feel is affecting your sleep, 你的饮食习惯, 你的工作, 你的人际关系, 你的类, 你的日常生活.
  • When you are down and hopeless
  • When it's not getting any better
  • When you feel hurt and can't make the hurt go away

"I have tried everything I know and things keep getting worse. I am not sleeping well, my relationships are suffering, and I am not going to class regularly.”

3. 咨询是如何工作的??

Counseling works by helping you objectively look at behaviors, 感情, and thoughts in situations that you find problematic. It helps you to learn more effective ways in dealing with those situations. Counseling is a collaborative effort. You and your personal counselor will identify goals, 你想要的发生, and agree on how you will know when you are making progress. Progress and change can happen. Nine out of ten Americans surveyed by Consumer Reports who had participated in counseling said that counseling had helped them.

"My counselor helped me to understand and deal with my 感情 and thoughts more effectively...Life is slowly getting back in balance for me."

4. What about confidentiality?

Your privacy is important to you. Your counselor will not disclose any information about you to others without your written permission except as required by law. That means that your family, 教授, 管理员, or classmates do not have any access to what you discuss in counseling. 然而, sometimes you may decide to sign a release of information for the purpose of coordinating your care with specific individuals. Any counseling records kept will be separate from all records kept by the University.

To assure the privacy of client information, our counselors do not use email to communicate with clients.

5. Is there personal counseling available to ISU students on campus?

As a registered student at ISU your first three sessions are free at the Student 咨询中心 (SCC). After that there is a $60 fee for counseling for the academic year. The service is located on the 2nd floor of Gillum Hall. 工作时间从早上8点开始.m. 至下午5时.m., Monday - Thursday and 8:00a.m. 到下午4:30.m. 在周五. Appointments usually last approximately 45 minutes. To make an appointment call (812) 237-3939.

6. What can I expect during my first counseling visit?

After you arrive for your first appointment, you will check in with the receptionist. You will be asked to fill out a brief background information sheet and will be given some information to read about counseling and confidentiality. During the first contact with your counselor you will explore what issues you would like to focus on and together you can set up a plan for beginning to work on these goals. Sometimes you may set up weekly appointments with your counselor or at other times you may find appointments every two or three weeks are most helpful. You will discuss these issues with your counselor.

7. How do I cancel or reschedule an appointment?

Call (812) 237-3939 at least 24 hours before the appointment to cancel and/or reschedule the appointment so that others can use that appointment time.




217 North 6th
2nd 吉勒姆大厅一楼
Terre Haute, IN 47809
Monday- Friday  8:00am - 4:30pm 


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